About URCA


The Undergraduate Research & Creative Activity Conference is a premier annual event at The University of Alabama that provides undergraduates an opportunity to highlight their research or creative activities. In addition to bringing attention to the excellent work of University students, the Conference allows students to gain experience presenting, compete for cash prizes and form relationships with faculty mentors and fellow Conference presenters. URCA is not limited to only members of RRSP, but is open to the entire undergraduate student body.

Congratulations to our 2024 URCA winners within the program, which can be found in the table below. Randall students won awards in 7 categories!

Award RecipientCategory
Timothy AlexanderBusiness, Accounting, Finance, Management, and Economics
Aparna BhooshananEducation
Wes BryantHeath, Human Performance, and Nutrition
Cole ChristiePhysical Science and Mathematics
Hunter EndersEngineering and Computer Science
Kittson HamillApparel, Textiles, Interior Design, and Visual Arts
William HollandPhysical Science and Mathematics
Chloe KaplanSocial Science and Human Development
Bailey LiddleEngineering and Computer Science
Izabella MelkonyanBusiness, Accounting, Finance, Management, and Economics
Riley NoldPhysical Science and Mathematics
Kylie OvertonEngineering and Computer Science

Click the following button to see the complete list of of our URCA winners since 2010:

Go to the URCA Website to access more information on URCA.